4 x social media campaign videos

tim stead trust -memory bank

23 x video digital legacy

3 x promotional videos to celebrate 10 years of Storas Uibhist Estates community buyout


Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry

Arts, Culture & Heritage

Environment & Nature

Food & Tourism

Intelligent scripting.  Stunning videography.  Sensitive filming.  Innovative editing.

I create distinctive video content to promote businesses & organisations in the south of Scotland and Cumbria. 

I crack open your story from a unique angle to make it relatable & shareable to: 

  • enhance & build your profile & brand ID

  • increase your web-site & social media engagement

  • promote & sell your products, services or project

  • grow your markets, customers & audience

  • demonstrate an idea or process

  • attract investment

  • create video assets for legacy & succession 

  • drive recruitment campaigns or demonstrate best practice

do something different

6 x videos to promote Lews Castle College/UHI’s Applied Music courses

rural nations - freumhan

3 x videos on creativity in Gaelic culture

Clients have included: Big Tree Society, Bord na Ghaidhlig, Clan Currie, Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar, European Union Regional Development Fund, Fèisean nan Gàidheal, Hebridean Housing Partnership, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Hi-Trans, Lews Castle College, 1 Million Miles For Ellie, Nature Scot, Outer Hebrides LEADER, Outer Hebrides Tourism, Puppet Animation Scotland, RSPB, Rural Nations, SAC Consulting, Scottish Borders Council CLLD, ScotGov, Stòras Uibhist Estates, Sustrans, Tim Stead Trust, Uist Community Riding School, University of the Highlands & Islands, Visit Scotland, Whitespace, Woodland Trust

6 x social media videos on award-winning VR/AR archaeology app

1 x evaluation video

the hebridean way

3 x social media videos to promote the Hebridean Cycle Way

outer hebrides leader

6 x evaluation & legacy videos

crofting the uist machair

Best practice video for wildlife friendly land management